Robert Clark's bookmarks - Maps
Online map resources
4Maps - maps, world atlas, road maps, US atlas, etc
The AA
Includes route planning for the UK, Ireland and Europe
Bali Online's Distance Calculator
Cartographic Images
The David Rumsey Collection
Focuses on 18th and 19th century North and South American cartographic materials
DeLorme's CyberMaps
Includes CyberRouter and CyberAtlas
Maps based on US addresses
Expedia Maps
Maps for most of the US, Canada, Mexico and Europe, plus route planning for the US
Free Historic Maps
Landmark Information Group's free historical maps service which uses data
jointly owned by Ordnance Survey and Landmark. The maps are dated between
1846 and 1899, and are of 1:10,560 scale
The Great Globe Gallery
Different views/projections of the globe
Greater London Bus Map
Comprehensive map of Greater London's transport systems. Maps available to
download in Adobe Acrobat format
The one stop centre for maps, travel-guides and route information from
anyone in the world going anywhere in the world
How far is it?
Calculator for distances between major cities or supplied latitude
and longitude
Historical Atlas of World History
International Map Trade Association - Maps
Maps of central London centered on attractions or particular streets
US based maps, including route planning. Also, Canadian and World maps,
featuring a novel zoom facility!
Map Machine @
All of the National Geographic Society's maps are now on the Internet
Offers maps and itineraries all over Europe, the USA and Canada
MapPoint from MSN
Map for North America and most of Europe. Also has a driving instructions feature
French site (but also in English and German) to help you plan your
itinerary in Europe. Calculates cost of journeys by road, including tolls, etc
Maps Index
The index for web sites with maps from around the world
Maps in the News
Maps On Us Navigation Made Simple... All Across the United States
Maps, Route Planning and Yellow Pages
Maps from around the world!
Online UK road atlas, including searching by post code or grid reference
Odden's Bookmarks
The Fascinating World of Maps and Mapping with over 10,000 links to electronic map resources on the Web
Ordnance Survey Maps
Under the Get-a-map service, you can get a printable map of your area at
scales from 1:35,000 to 1:2,000,000
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
RAC Motoring Services - Online Route Planner
UK route planning by e-mail
Search the UK, my place, post code, telephone code, grid reference,
latitude/longitude or London street
Microsoft site of satellite images
Real Time Traffic Information in the UK
UK Street Map
US Census Bureau Tiger Map Server
US Civil War Maps
Maps and route planning for Europe
World of Maps
World War 2 Maps
Yahoo! Maps
Note: Links with a have
recently been tested and found to be active, links with a
have not been tested, or failed to respond
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Date last updated: 12th November 2004